Welcome to our web site. For more information about Stephie's art, please also check out artbystephie.com.
For Matt's writing projects, please go to storiesbymatt.net. Enjoy your visit here!

04/28/16: I know Kisu's hearing has been failing for a while, so I don't expect her to greet me any more like she used to when she heard the key in the door, but this was ridiculous. When I came home from the Job Search Work Team today, I unlocked the door to see these two sleepy-heads. I stepped back, closed the door, then opened it again and neither of them moved. I put my bag down, got out my phone and took this picture and still nothing. Only after I started to burgle the place did either of them notice I was home!

04/25/16: As usual, I had a fantastic time at the Windy City Pulp and Paper Convention in Lombard last weekend. I spent less money then I usually do (owing to the current job situation) but I think I spoke to more people then I ever had. This was because I took my second copy of Legends of New Pulp Fiction with me. This was the benefit book that came out last year, and had a boatload of new stories from many of the top current writers in the New Pulp field.
     I briefly considered submitting a Sleep Detectives story when they announced the volume was being assembled, but I ultimately decided it was not 'pulp' enough. I did, however, buy two copies when it was published: one to read and one to bring to the Windy City show to collect autographs. Over the course of the weekend, I spoke to and got a signature of a couple dozen of the contributors to the massive tome. A few of them said that I was the first person to ask them to sign one of the books, but by the end of the weekend, I saw several people chasing down signatures. It was lots of fun.
     I didn't stick around for much of the auctions, and I saw only one movie this year, Nightfall, which was adapted from an Isaac Asimov story. It was not very good, and I immediately downloaded an episode of Escape Pod containing the same story so I can compare. One thing new this year was I went back on Sunday and sat in on may of the New Pulp panels, as well as picking up a few bargains before calling it a weekend. I can't wait until next year!

04/16/16: Stephanie has a new web site! True, it's at the same artbystephie.com link that the old one was at, but we've upgraded to the new version of Squarespace, the all-in-one hosting/content-management service she's had for a few years, so we took this as an opportunity to re-do how the site looked and, more importantly, operated so that now it looks great no matter if you're looking at it on your computer or on your phone, which is apparently now the most popular way to find stuff on the web. I don't understand that, but as you can tell from the links below which point to content going back to June of 2003, I'm old.

04/02/16: It's April, and we got snow. Kisu's tired of the snow.

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